Monday, April 04, 2005

What do I want to say today?

I am very busy writing a research paper these days, hence not much blogging. Actually, there aren't much techno-stuff to tell about from my dept. lately either. No new gadgets, and not much discovered on the technology side.

Or wait a minute, there is actually one little thing. A few days ago I started experimenting with connecting my M-Audio keystation pro-88 to my linux-running laptop, through usb. Compiling the midi-usb module was very easy, and actually I could use the keyboard more or less right away in e.g., rosegarden. The only problem was that I needed something more to get some sounds. Then I start discovering jack. Using jack, something called qsynth, and rosegarden, together with ardour, a hardisk recorder for linux, I can do everything a need to do music-wice on my linux-box. Only problem now is that I bought a firewire-based soundcard together with my dual-g5 powermac, which is not supported by linux, at least not yet. So I have to stick to crappy sound on linux. Or use the mac for recording, which is always a possibility.

Todays quote:
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. (Eph. 6:10)

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