Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ubuntu 8.04 on Oqo O2


I was pretty sure I wrote something on Ubuntu 8.04 on the Oqo, but I can't find it right now.

Short story: Use the alternate cd to install - everything is smooth. Or you can of course upgrade from and older version of Ubuntu.

Sad things: Wireless network doesn't work (but bluetooth do). And the wacom pen-input is still a joke, with unbearable amount of vectoring. And I can't get sound to work either. And you will still need a special modeline for Xorg (the same as in older versions of Ubuntu, the modeline is available here on the blog somewhere).

Bottom-line - the Oqo O2 with Ubuntu 8.04 is just a brick. Sorry to say so, but look elsewhere for a great, small, linux device. Of course I should have been positive, raving about all the things that do work. But for me wifi is crucial on such a small device, and so is sound. And the pen is the main reason I bought it in the first place.

Take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seeing these kind of posts reminds me of just how technology truly is an integral part of our lives in this day and age, and I am fairly confident when I say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory falls, the possibility of transferring our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I dream about every once in a while.

(Submitted using R4Submit for R4i Nintendo DS.)