Thursday, July 05, 2007

Nokia E61i as a modem for Macbook Pro

I had some questions regarding Nokia E61i as modem for my Macbook Pro in the past. I have posted how I got that working as a comment on one of the E61i posts (the one about Nokia and Papyrus, I'll dig up the link).

Please, read my comment, and post further questions here!

Btw, I am posting this from my Macbook Pro connected to the 'net over bluetooth and the E61i. So it works!

update: This is the interesting post!

Take care,


Unknown said...

Hi again Mandus! Good to hear that you got it to work! Unfortunately I was not so lucky...

I also have Telenor, in Sweden, so I use the same number, *99#. No account name, shouldn't have to according to Telenor ( In the bluetooth prefs I have set up my MacBook to connect to Internet with my phone.

When I am in Internet Connect I use the Bluetooth tab to connect. It starts off good, contacting PPP Server, establishing connection, authenticating user...but then it disconnects and says "could not negotiate a connection with the remote PPP server".

Nokia doesn't support bluetooth modem connections, and Telenor says they can't help, so I'm pretty stuck right now. Any ideas on your side?


Åsmund Ødegård said...

I'm not so sure on this one, but let's see what we can figure out!

First, I downloaded and installed the mac iSync plugin for E61 from nokia. I'm not sure how relevant that is but there are some bluetooth support there.

Second, the matter about username/password. I think that telenor says the same thing in Norway, no username/password should be required. But the modem application on OSX seems to require it to function properly anyway. Maybe you should try to put some dummy information in; I think you can use anything but why not use dj/dj like I do as you are on the same network!

Finally, did you checked which connection script you are using? It says "Nokia Infrared" as Modem on the Bluetooth Modem tab in the Network sys.pref. pane on my system.

Please report any progress, we can dig deeper if we have to!

Take care.