Sunday, April 04, 2004

What I really need!

My quest for the ultimate portable device is still not over. I can't find anything that I really like. After testing the Sony ux-50 at CeBit, I figured out that it is not the device I want. The reason is two-fold. First, the keyboard, which I don't like at all - it is not easy to type away on it. Probably it is possible to get used to it, but I don't want to spend that time.

The second reason is the software. Palm is nice, but really not the thing I want. I want something I can type in a real editor on - like vim. And I want to do some python programming. This really means that I want something which run linux.

The featurelist I want fullfilled in my ultimate portable device is:

  • Small and light,

  • wireless connectivity - bluetooth and wifi

  • linux os

  • internal keyboard which works.

The jvc mp-xp731 might be small enough. But it lacks bluetooth. The Sony U101 have everything I need, but is out of stock. One of the sharp zaurus models might fit, but they all seem to lack the wireless connectivity.

Hence, my quest is not over. I looking forward to what Sony might dig up as a successor to the U101.

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