About time to make a change to this blog. I was a bit bored with the old lock, and there was to much manual stuff in there. So I just wiped everything and started anew with one of the standard templates.
In other news, I am now "certified" as a HSE person. In Norway, the management in every company are obliged by law to participate in a HSE course that lasts one day. Of course, the motivation and energy in search seminars that are mandatory could be so-so, but I think the course was quite ok, considering the circumstances. And I actually learned a few things.
I am still waiting for the N900 review by my coworker, maybe I just have to get one myself. But first I shall check out the Apple slate that the whole world belive will be on display 27. January...
And finally, a tiny piece in Norwegian: Hvorfor i all verden er det sånn at fjortiser som blogger om helt trivielle ting kan tjene en årslønn på blogg og ha titusenvis av lesere, mens jeg som skriver om skikkelig superseriøse ting enda ikke har fått en eneste utbetaling fra google adSense, etter å ha hatt adSense på bloggen min et par år minst! Ok, jeg er ikke så dum, jeg bare later som. Men det står masse spennende nerdestuff rundt her altså...
Ali, ali, ut å være sjåfør!
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