Monday, March 05, 2007

A new place on earth

There is a new fully buzzword compliant place for bloggers available, tumblr. The idea seems to be that it should be really easy to blog, even if you have very little to blog about. Of course, I have to test it out! You can check out my entry into that thing. My review goes like this:

1. Signing up at tumblr is very easy. Go to, hit Sign Up, type in email and a password, and pick a url (the part in front of, and you're halfway there. Wait for a confirmation email, confirm, and you're in.

2. If you're like my, you want to configure template and stuff right away. Up in the right corner you have a link saying "Change settings" once you are logged in.Hit it, and a nice interactive web2.0ish page is loaded, where you can pick a template, and adjust colors, and see a more or less live preview as you test away. On the settings-page you can also adjust what the url of you blog should be. You may even choose a custom domain name which probably mean you can have tumblr on your own domain. I haven't tested that out yet. Finish by saving changes. This should take you back to the front page. If you don't like the templates, you can go custom as well, which brings up the template for you to edit in a simple textarea. You can update the preview by pressing a button. Beware, you should now change colors inside the textare, not using the color-edit-section. You figure out why if you try!

3. Start creating posts. There are shortcuts for regular posts, photos, quotes, links, conversations and videos on your tumblr dashboard. You can also grab a button for your bookmarks bar for quick access to creating link-posts. I have only tested the regular post and the link thing so far, but those seems to work ok.

4. Will I use this? I don't know yet, we will see in the future!

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