I will guess more fancy tools for creating dmg's exist these days, but I found a step-by-step walkthrough on the net which did the trick for me. For future reference for myself, and for others stopping by, I
provide the steps here. Most of this is taking place in a terminal window:
# create a dmg image of some suitable sizeThat's all it takes to create the image. If you want to test the program for your self, you are free to grab the image. Beware that before you can use the application you have to install some prerequisites: QT4, libexiv2, libfftw3 and libjpeg. QT4 can you get from Trolltech, the creators of QT4, while the easiest way to get the rest is probably from the fink project. Install the fink packages exiv2, fftw3, and libjpeg. After that you should be abel to use qtpfsgui on your intel mac. If not, bug me!
1>hdiutil create -megabytes 10 qtpfsgui.dmg -layout NONE
# mount, but don't mount!
2>hdid -nomount qtpfsgui.dmg
# record det /dev/diskreturned from that command
# create filesystem
3>sudo newfs_hfs -v QTPfsGUI /dev/disk1 #insert correct device
# eject the unmounted image, and re-mount for real
4>hdiutil eject /dev/disk1
5>hdid qtpfsgui.dmg
# Now, use e.g. finder to put some files into the image, and eject it when ok
# then convert to a readonly compressed image (suitable for 10.1+)
6>hdiutil convert -format UDZO qtpfsgui.dmg -o qtpfsgui.1.8.1.dmg
# mount to check that everything is ok
7>hdid qtpfsgui.1.8.1.dmg
Remark: I am not in any way resonsible for the qtpfsgui program itself, I am just trying to package it up for the Mac. The program itself is the creation of Giuseppe Rota.
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