Tuesday, January 13, 2009

When are Google going to fix filters?

I enjoy a lot quite a few of the tools Google creates. But there is one thing I really can't belive they still have not fixed. Filters in Gmail. I really, really need some kind of regexp or wildcard filtering, and this is still not available. For instance, I like to be able to do stuff with mail from 'name-*@some.domain' or '*-dev-owner@some.domain' or even use the '*' in the domain-part. But this seems to be quite impossible.

It's a sad thing. Please fix it!


Karien said...

Hei Mandus, Noen liker å skrive engelsk når de er norsk, noen elsker å skrive norsk når de er hollandsk... Nettopp oppdaget din blog og side. Litt for mye IT for meg... men hyggelig å se bildene av dine barn. Jeg har også blog, www.achterbergen.blogspot.com, men dette er på hollandsk... Vennlig hilsen, Karien Achterberg

Anonymous said...

hvorfor ikke:)