I am still working on the interface to the align_image_stack program in Qtpfsgui. The maintainer of the OSX-port of Hugin, Ippei Ukay, has been so kind to provide us with a statically linked version of the program that at least work quite well on my computers. I have some issues with making Qtpfsgui picking up the location of the binary automatically, but for now you can download the binary here, and place it in a directory usually in your PATH environment. The directory /usr/local/bin may be a good place to store it, but if that does not work put it in /usr/bin. Qtpfsgui v.1.8.12 should then be able to find and use the align_image_stack program.
[edit:] Remark, after you download the align_image_stack binary, you need to set the executable bit on the file. Open a Terminal and do 'sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/align_image_stack' (assuming you placed the file in /usr/bin).
In the future, the Hugin image aligner will be included with Qtpfsgui, so no extra work should be required to use it - I hope!
[edit2:] You may as well download the align_image_stack binary inside a zip-file - by popular request!
Take care
tryed booth locations but don't work. I'm getting always a Failed to start external process ...
Also i have only access to the Auto align button with jpegs and not with tiff or raw :(
You probably have to make the binary executable. I forgot that you don't get the execute bit set automatically on stuff you download. Try the following in a terminal window:
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/align_image_stack
(assuming you have placed the binary in /usr/bin.)
I think this binary is designed to only handle jpeg's, but I might be wrong. I have to check this out before I can give a proper answer.
Take care!
Yup cmod did the job. It's working now with jpeg. Would be nice aligning would work at least with 16but tiffs too.
have an nice day
Good to hear it did the trick, I'll update the post about this.
We are checking the tiff issue out, it is supposed to work... I post more on that later.
Take care.
The download link links to a text window. Is it possible to get a ZIP file?
Thanks so much for your efforts!
Sure, you can get a zip-file right here!
Hi again,
regarding the issue of align_image_stack and image formats. I have verified now that the binary you can download here works just fine with tiff's - I am able to mark the checkbox in qtpfsgui for doing automatick alignment when loading tiff's. The images are also aligned fine.
When it comes to raw files, this is not supported by the align_image_stack from the Hugin project.
If needed, I may try to help out debugging this issue on your end, as there must be some hickup somewhere.
Regarding this issue, Giuseppe Rota, the creator of Qtpfsgui wrote me in an email:
I just read the feedback messages on your blog: align_image_stack works with tiff but they have to be "normal" LDR 8 bit per color channel TIFFs. align_image_stack doesn't works, as far as I know, (I actually never tried) with 16 (or 32) bit tiffs. At any rate the qtpfsgui enables the combobox only with LDR jpeg and tiffs.
So basically, we know that 8bit TIFFs works, but besides that we have to do more testing!
too bad, 16bit content at least don't work. Maybe sometimes in the future... if someone can make hugin_aligne compatible with 16 bit. I hope so...
Thanks for comments.
Giuseppe reports success with both 16bit and 32bit TIFFs on Linux, and it is supposed to work on Mac as well. However, LogLuv tiffs does not works.
I have to experiment with these formats to see what works and what not works on the Mac. It could be the way the align_image_stack is compiled on the Mac that cause problems.
hi, I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 and I have tried with both directories (/usr/local/bin and /usr/bin) plus 'sudo chmod 755...' command and nothing, still doesn't work. any ideas? thanks
@Ian please note that the information on this page is mainly for the Mac OSX version of the program. Besides that, I find it strange that it is not picked up on linux when you put it in a directory that is on your PATH - it could be that the linux maintainer assume a specific fixed directory, but I doubt that. Does align_image_stack works for you if you run it from a terminal window (Also - I hope you didn't got the program from this site, that's a Mac only binary!)
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