Thursday, December 15, 2005

Waiting is over!

The Fujitsu P1520 arrived today! It's a very sweet, little thing.

I am installing Linux on it right now, a report on this will follow shortly.

Take care, - EU - Store all phone and net traffic for two years - EU

The european parliment have just approved a new directive, which state that all phone and internet traffic should be stored for two years. That is just crazy. Apparently, only phonenumbers you call, where you are at what time ip-addresses for communication, etc. But that is pretty extensive. Doesn't sound very well thought about and very crazy.

Hey, I have nothing to hide, but I don't like that idea at all, so I better go dig up those urls again that describes software that can be used to hide your tracks.

Take care - and be scared.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Waiting for Fujitsu Siemens P1510

This is a story in progress!

Back in early october I ordered the new Fujitsu Siemens P1510, a new very cool and very small laptop, from our regular dealer. I was promised that delivery will be around 15. november.

When we approached 15. november, I was told that there was a slight delay, 1. december will be the great day. Somehow I don't belive what I was told. And very correct, there was a further delay, 7. december should be the delivery date. Now I was also told that the computer was shipped from germany, probably from some Fujitsu Siemens manufacturing facility there, so now further delay was expected.

But, hey, thats too simple, isn't it? Yesterday, which was the 7. december, I was again told that a new delay was in progress. New delivery date is 14. december. But then I have some questions. My computer was shipped, right? So, who in this world got my computer? A more important customer? Does someone paid off somebody in the delivery chain to get my computer? Maybe it wasn't shipped at all?

The important thing is that this happens all the time. Should we just take this any longer? When I order an item, and get a delivery date, I expect the item to show up. I guess that if you are a craftsman, and order a new tool, a chainsaw or something like that, and get a delivery date, you expect the item to be around at that time, and tell your customer that you have to wait until that date with delivery. Could the craftsman live with one month or more delay? I guess not. He turn to another vendor. Why can't I do the same? Because every single company in this business is more or less the same.

So, buyers in all countries, speak up. Don't take this any longer. Give the message to your dealer that you want the item on the day they promise. It's much better that the dealer give a correct but long into the future delivery date , than specifying delivery dates that he can not keep up with.

I think I in the future will request a 1% reduction in price for each day the delivery is delayed. If we all request this, maybe we can get a healtier attitude in the business.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Slashdot | Microsoft Open Document Standard Not So Open

Slashdot | Microsoft Open Document Standard Not So Open: "Microsoft Open Document Standard Not So Open"

Please, can someone explain to me why I am not shocked? I guess that as long as water flows, sun raises and sets, Microsoft will never be really open. It's just against their nature, they can't be something they aren't.

Live free and prosper!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Linux on a G5 - Followup

You might wonder how it went with the Linux install on my G5. Please read the previous post on this if you are one of my new readers!

It turned out that the Debian installer still couldn't figure out where to install itself, even when the free space ready for Linux was first on the disk. There is certainly something strange with the partition scheme from Apple. As a last resort I went to gentoo. What you can't do with gentoo, I guess you can't do at all. To make the story short, gentoo works as a charm. During my tests with the other distributions, I figured out how to create partitions and mount them using mac-fdisk, mkfs and mount directly. The problem was that even when I mounted partitions, the installer couldn't find them. And if I got beyond that point, I still wasn't abel to install the bootloader properly. With gentoo, everything is manual and up to me, so it was much more easy to perform the install.

The only problem I really had was with yaboot configuration. The yabootconfig script that should have created a yaboot.conf file was nonfunctional with my setup, so I had to write the config manually, based on some examples I found online. That wasn't that hard, but it took me some time to figure out the ofpath id's I needed to put in there, as well as which partition number the Tiger actually should boot from. It turned out that I should not specify the partition where the Tiger lives, but the one just infront of it.

So - end of the story is that I now have a working Tiger and a working gentoo, though it will still take some time to get all the software I need on gentoo. That's why I don't like gentoo that much. The power of the gentoo install, coupled with the power of apt-get/dpkg, that's really what I want. But I guess I stick with gentoo for now - it will certainly give me a lean, mean machine!

A short note on the Shuttle SN25P case is also appropriate here. I can tweak the ubuntu really to what I want. I got NIS and automount working, I have sound and DVD burning working, and most of the packages I want. Actually, I just think about it as Debian, and it works quite fine. Guess I can live with that!

Take care!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Linux on a G5 PowerMac

I finally wanted to put linux on my G5 PowerMac, as I see my main linux computer today, a laptop, soon will be gone, replaced with a smaller and sweater laptop (the Fujitsu Siemens P1510). As I now have the Shuttle SN25P at the office, I'll also need a stationary computer at home running Linux. Don't get me wrong, the Mac OS X system is a decent system. Unfortunately, it's not up to my standards for doing real work.

This should be an easy task, right. I already have a free external firewire disk, and my intention was to load Linux on that one. Inserted the ubuntu cd (read the story on the Shuttle to get why I just started out with ubuntu), and keep going. Right. Tap, tap, tap, enter, enter, enter, ooopss. I accidentally erased the MacOSX partition instead of repartitioning the external drive. So, thats an extreme makeover for my MacOSX installation. Anyway, most important stuff I have elsewhere, so no big deal. So, took two steps back, installed Tiger on the internal drive, and went back to my original quest. Installation on the external drive went just fine, up to the point where the bootloader, yaboot, is to be installed. It can't be installed on the external firewire drive, at least not from the ubuntu installer. Another couple of steps back.

Next try, go for a split of the internal system. So, I install Tiger again on a smaller partition, leaving a spaceious 80GB towards the end of the drive for Linux. Bahh.. The ubuntu installers is unable to find the free partition and install there. So, I figured out I should start with partitioning from the linux side. So I did - removed the Tiger again, created partitions for Linux at the end of the disk, installed ubuntu. Only to discover that the mac disk utility is unable to create HFS+ partition in the free space for Tiger. I lost counting, but had to destroy everything once more.

This time I did some googling, especially on the Debian installer documentation for PPC. There I got the following recipe: Start with installation of MacOSX, leave free space for Debian at the beginning of the disk. Then, install MacOSX, and finally install Debian.

So, now I will try that and see how it goes. Btw, the one time I actually got ubuntu installed on the internal drive (alone, no MacOSX present) I was unable to boot it, because the SATA drivers was not loaded in the kernel at boottime. I guess I need to use initrd or something, but have to figure that out later on.

On to the next install, I'll see you all later :-)

Monday, October 24, 2005

Linux on Shuttle SN25P

Hi there,

I got my new Shuttle SN25P at work today, and want to load it with linux. The computer comes equipped with a AMD 3500+ 2.2GHz processor, 2GB of memory and a 250GB maxtor SATA disk from the pc-pusher. They have also put an Geforce 6600 something graphics adapter into it.

As a long-time Debian fan, I of course wanted to load it with that. Of course, I know of the, should we say, not so appealing situation with Debian and AMD64, but thought I'll be fine with the glitches that might appear, and eventually some manual work. Now, I found a unofficial sarge netinst image for AMD64, as well as a testing or sid netinst image. To start out easy, I head for sarge. Everything seems fine during the install process, but after a reboot I discovered that the included kernel was not able to properly detect the ethernet card included on the mainboard as part of the nForce4 chipset. Not very usefull with a netinstall image then. So, the sid-image next (it was labeled as sid, but from what I could see during install it's more like a etch image). This time the ethernet card was detected properly, but the installer was heavily broken. For instance, busybox was missing in the target system during installation of package, such that unpacking and installation of packages was impossible. After spending a good hour, trying to put in the necessary stuff from the host (boot) system, I just figured out that this was not the "right way".

To make the long story short - I grabbed the latest ubuntu for AMD64, slipped it in, booted, waited, and had a working system.

While I kind of want Debian where I know all the tricks of the trade, I guess I'll stick with ubuntu for a while, at least until Debian can get something supported out there for AMD64. Hopefully, the unstable also will be useable at that time - as I use unstable on all my x86-32 computers. I'm happy to do the upgrade from stable to unstable on anything, but it is important that I can get a working install at least with network and a compiler, possibly some X11, but that's not significant to get started.

Tomorrow I have to see if I can get the ubuntu install to be something like how I want it, I guess I can. But there are some stuff to sort out still, like sound support. So there will probably be a followup on this.

take care,

Friday, September 23, 2005 - Valg 2005 - Valg 2005: "De rødgrønne kjøper millionvilla

Partilederne for de nye regjeringspartiene har inngått en avtale om å kjøpe Svein Erik Bakkes 30-millioner kronersvilla på Bygdøy."

Det var jo en lekker måte å begynne på. Gir dette mer skole for pengene, som SV-kristin har mast om. Eller gir dette mer eldreomsorg forpengene, som AP-jens har mast om. Eller hva SP-haga har mast om vet jeg ikke helt... vi kommer sikkert ikke mer inn i eu av dette, så hun har nok sitt på det tørre.

Men en villa på Bygdøy er jo fint å ha. Og det var sikkert de billigste 100m med strandlinje som var å få kjøpt i Oslo-området. Helt sikkert.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 Kaotisk og lite nytt på Apple-show


Dette var bare litt for dumt, så jeg må nevne det. Her drar itjournalistene ut i verden for å se seg om. De burde vel ha litt greie på it de da? Så presteres denne frasen, under Teknisk kaos:

Rent teknisk, var Expoet i sine f�rste timer, et kaos. Ingenting fungerte. For alle journalister med PC, ikke Mac alts�, var det umulig �logge seg p�nettet.

Arrang�rene hadde nemlig gjort det geniale trekket �skjule det tr�dl�se nettverket, noe som gjorde det helt umulig for PC-brukere �finne det.

Og da tenker jeg, hmmm... For det f�rste, hvorfor skulle det gj�re noen forskjell om man bruker Mac n�r det gjelder dette. Dersom nettet er skjult, er det vel skjult for mac ogs�- i motsatt fall er det ikke skjult. Med PC regner jeg med det siktes til windows, som om ikke mac er pc, men anyway, det finnes da verkt�y for �finne nett som skulle ha v�rt �pne.

N�er kanksje ikke it-journalister alltid nerder, men �bl�se seg opp s�pass kraftig p�Apples bekostning, for en s�liten sak, det synes jeg var �ta litt for hardt i.

Men det er kanskje bare meg...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Unfortunately, Norway turns red again...

The red side of politics won the election with 87 against 82 seats in the parliament. It's a sad day for our country. Hopefully they will not spoil to much of what makes Norway a nice place to live, and maybe next time the good guys can get back.

We'll see.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Election in Norway

Today, there is an election for the Norwegian parliament. And this time it is really exciting to follow the counting of votes. Right now it is 85 to 84 between the two main blocks, which mean that the government we have to day, continue. But it is a close race, and I will follow it closely.

For what it's worth, I'm for the current government, and want them to stay.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Visit from uncle Ruben

Visit from uncle Ruben, originally uploaded by mandus.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

pyFDM version 0.2

The anticipated version 0.2 of pyFDM was put up at pyfdm at sourceforge, as mentioned in the last post.

Please enjoy as much as I do!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Busy, busy. No time for blogging

I am rather too busy these days - no I really try to finalize my ph.d thesis. So, no time for blogging, no time for photoblogging (almost).

And, hey, watch out at the pyfdm page, there will soon be a new release, as I have done a lot of development on pyFDM lately.

Take care!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Digging, originally uploaded by mandus.

This makes at lot of noise outside my window today.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Play, originally uploaded by mandus.

Rainy day - playing indoor

Sunday, August 21, 2005

First post

First post, originally uploaded by mandus.

Sending from mobile...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Funny glasses

Funny glasses, originally uploaded by mandus.

Today we had the "Familyday" at Brunstad. Great fun for all the kids, and I guess most of the parents as well.

A 3D movie (a Shrek episode) was viewed in the big conference hall. We had to wear funny glasses, but the kids tought it was great fun.

Take care!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

The monolitt

The monolitt, originally uploaded by mandus.

Shot some pictures in the "Vigeland" park today (Oslo, Norway). There will probably be some pictures in my other photoblogs as well.

As I have created a new photoblog (, as well as the slower one (, I will probably reduce the number of pictures here.

Friday, August 05, 2005

More boats in Åsgårdstrand

Another shot from the small-boat harbor at Åsgårdstrand.

Take care.

A little boat in Åsgårdstrand

A little boat in Åsgårdstrand, originally uploaded by mandus.

A little detour on my way home from Brunstad today - stopped in Åsgårdstrand for a few shots.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Better late than never... I signed up with today, my bookmarks will be at:

Seems like a cool thing, and since my personal online bookmarks database is kind of offline these days, I give it a whirl. So far I think it is a good thing.

I also signed up at O'Reilly Connection. Not sure if that is useful, or some thing I will use. At least, I don't have any connections there yet, and I am not sure how I am supposed to get them. Maybe I have to put some effort into it by adding information.

For those who are reading this, why don't you connect too, and add me as a connection if you like!

Still working on the thesis thingy.

Take care.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Having dinner!

Having dinner!, originally uploaded by mandus.

That's my eldest daughter there, having a nice meal for dinner. This one is from the middle of July, at the Brunstad Fish restaurant. Very nice food. And a nice view as well.

Sunday, July 31, 2005


food, originally uploaded by mandus.

Visiting mother in law - always enough to eat!

Friday, July 29, 2005

The inside

The inside, originally uploaded by mandus.

Relates to the previous post. Both shot while visiting my parents house with the childrens for a barbeque evening. A couple of the other ones where taken there, too. Nice to be home from time to time.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Another flower

Another flower, originally uploaded by mandus.

At my fathers home.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Dirty glass

Dirty glass, originally uploaded by mandus.

An empty, lonely glass on a table. It's dirty, too.

nitedals big matches...

nitedals big matches..., originally uploaded by mandus.

A box of matches left on the stairs.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Cool boy!

Cool boy!, originally uploaded by mandus.

The very cool son!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Blurry summernight

Blurry summernight, originally uploaded by mandus.

Årets første bad!!!

Endelig fikk jeg somlet meg ned i vannet. Etter å ha hatt badetøyet liggende på kontoret noen dager, fant kollega Moe og jeg et passende tidspunkt for å rusle ned på den vanlige knausen noen hundre meter fra it-fornebu bygget, der vi pleier å bade.

Siden sist har Telenor(?) lurt seg til å sette opp et lite hus på svaberget vårt - bildet av det kommer kanskje her etter hvert - ikke så lite frekt spør du meg. Men vi kom oss da ut i vannet allikevel. Og det var ikke vondt. Varmt er det i luften, og i vannet har nok temperaturen kommet opp i over 20°C - det vil si at det er varmt nok for meg.

Vi håper på en lang og fin badesesong. Jobb eller ikke jobb, bade må vi da ihvertfall ta oss tid til!

Med ønske om en fin sommer!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Python snippet - setattr

This isn't anything particular cool, probably I have seen it before, too. But I stick it here anyway:

class A(object):
def __init__(s, **kw):
for n,v in kw.items():

Any key/value pairs in the keyword argument to the constructor call will be assigned as members in instances of the class.

Take care,

Monday, July 04, 2005

An orange flower

An orange flower, originally uploaded by mandus.

Todays picture. Nothing particular interesting...


Reflections, originally uploaded by mandus.

I was riding my bike today, and saw this next to the road. Another title could have been "old meets new" or something like that. Go figure :-)

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Kit-lens reverse

Kit-lens reverse, originally uploaded by mandus.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

This is Oslo

Boy, I love Oslo..., originally uploaded by mandus.

Well, the place in the front seem to be a nice place, but all the stuff behind there...

Sorry, the harbour of Oslo isn't very nice.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Python snippet

Picked up a trick from comp.lang.python. Probably "documented" elsewhere, but I put it here for easy reference...

Python lack the ?: conditional short-cut from for instance C. It is, however, possible to do:
a and b or c
There is, though, a small problem with this. If 'a' evaluates to True, the result should be 'b'. But if 'b' also evaluates to False, python will go on with 'c', and return the result of 'c'. A quick fix is:
(a and [b] or [c])[0].

As [b] always is True, regardless of 'b', the result will be [b] if 'a' is True, and the last [0] will extract the first entry from the list [b], which is 'b'.

Take care!

St. Hans

St. Hans - midsummer celebration, originally uploaded by mandus.

Som vanlig, brenner vi bål og feirer midtsommer-dagen

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Yet another flower close-up

Yet another flower close-up, originally uploaded by mandus.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Focal-length statistics!

Have you ever wondered how the distribution of focal-lengths among your pictures are? If you have, I have created a tiny piece of script that can help you out! The EXIF data in the pictures are used.

Download img-focalstat. Save the file as or whatever you like.

img-focalstat is a Perl script which takes a directory as input, scan the directory recursively for jpeg's, and check the focal length for each picture using jhead. The script show the number of pictures for each focal length, sorted from shortest to longest.

If you like, a GD bar-plot can be made of the data, with a width of each bar of your choice.

Also, all images for a particular focal length can be showed. This requires gthumb at the moment. May be made configureable on user-request.

To use the script, you need perl with File::Find, Getopt::Std, POSIX, and GD::Graph, as well as jhead and optionally gthumb. Should work on any linux, Mac OS X or other **ix. May work on Window$ as well.

The script is licenced under GPL.

syntax: [directory| [-s focal-length] [-g ] [ -o filename ] [-n integer ] [ -i ] [ -b directory]

Description of options:

-s focal-length: Show all images with the given focal length using gthumb. Focal length should be specified as jhead show it, but without "mm". For instance 24.0 (and not just 24, at least with my jhead...)

-g : Make a GD::Graph bar-plot

-o : Output filename for bar-plot, must be a non-existant file, the script refuse to overwrite. Output will be a PNG image.

-n ingeger : The number of bars to have in the plot. Focal length will be distributed evenly on this number of bars.

-i : Include images with unknown focal length in the count and bar plot, show up as "n/a". For those cases where jhead are unable to detext any focal length in the EXIF data.

-b basedir : The basedirectory to scan. If any options are given, the base directory must be specified with the -b option. If no option is given, the base directory can just be given as the only argument to the script (without the -b)

Feel free to use or abuse or whatever. Comments are welcome :-)

Take care!

Closeup experiments

More flowers, originally uploaded by mandus.

Try the +4 closeup on my 75-300, in my garden. A nice sunny day, and stopped down the lens can still be kind of sharp.

Haven't done any rigorous tests, but I think the closeup give me at least true macro (1:1 magnification) on the 75-300.

In other news, I am still writing my Ph.D stuff.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Salt and pepper!

Salt and pepper!, originally uploaded by mandus.

Got a new close-up diopter/filter for my lenses. It's a +4 strength close-up
that fit on both the kit-lens and my 75-300. This picture is with the
kit-lens. The magnification is significantly higher with the 75-300, but
it's hard to do anything serious without a tripod (which I do not have yet).
Will probably go look for bugs in the garden tomorrow...

Thursday, June 16, 2005

flies having dinner

flies having dinner, originally uploaded by mandus.

Took a little detour with the camera today. Didn't get that many great shots, but at least a few.

I am pretty satisfied with the EF 75-300 for now. Sharpness is quite ok, and the range is great. Good learning-tool together with the kit-lens.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Another in the oow series

Another in the oow series, originally uploaded by mandus.

I like the place I live. Who wouldn't when this is what it looks like out of your home-office window!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Sunset in Oslo

Sunset in Oslo, originally uploaded by mandus.

Late in the evening, 09.06.2005, on "Gamle mosseveien" close to Ingierstrand.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

What a day!

Sarge is finally out, Norway celebrates 100 years of independence, and Apple decides to go for Intel processors. Not all of that are on the positive side, but remarkable events nevertheless. Lets hope Etch will be out before Norway celebrates another century...

On a completely different end of things, I manage to get a ride on my bicycle yesterday - about 22km. Man, that hurts. Too long since last time I did something like that - I'm in even worser shape than I thought. So I better get started with some training.

No good pics today, sorry folks.

Take care!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Another one in the oow series...

Another one in the oow series..., originally uploaded by mandus.

Got a new lens, so I tried a different shot out of my window.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Out of my window - experiment

Out of my window - experiment, originally uploaded by mandus.

Zoom while shooting.

Building in perspective

Building in perspective, originally uploaded by mandus.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Flies in the sun.

Flies in the sun., originally uploaded by mandus.

Lots of flies heating up in the nice sun-shine.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Out of my window - Spring-time

Out of my window - Spring-time, originally uploaded by mandus.

Not many interesting shots these days. This is from my "Out of my window" series.

Take care!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

17 mai!

17 mai!, originally uploaded by mandus.

Gratulerer med dagen, alle nordmenn!

Friday, May 13, 2005

Another flower

Another flower, originally uploaded by mandus.

Maybe not the greatest - just played around with the 350D. At least, the kit-lens do work quite well close-up. Now I only need to get a diopter or close-up filter/lens, strength around +3 should give more or less true macro (1:1) if my computations are correct. That will be cool to try out :-)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Out of my window!

Out of my window!, originally uploaded by mandus.

I am running a "Out of my window" series over at OutOfWindow and think this one is particular interesting. Not for the looks of it, which is not that interesting, but from the gimp'ing.

Based on a suggestion in a post in the Canon300D/350D forum over at dpReview, I played some tricks to remove haze from the far away parts of the picture, as the kit-lens of the 350D isn't particulary sharp far away. I think this turned out not that bad! The steps are basically:

  1. Duplicate layer, add layer mask, make it selected.
  2. Create a black to white gradient in the layer mask, such that near stuff are blacked out
  3. Apply layer mask
  4. Layers->Colors->Curves and play with the curve for the Value-channel (add a couple of control points, drag it down) in order to make the distant stuff more haze-less.
  5. Merge layers, and do whatever more you want/need. For instance USM.

That's about it, judge for your self the result. By the way, don't you think thats a nice place to live - very refreshing view!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The bridge of Leonardo Da Vinci

The bridge of Leonardo Da Vinci, originally uploaded by mandus.

Walked around in the neighbourhood yesterday evening. The bridge of Leonardo Da Vinci was build close to where I live a few years ago. This is it.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Water on my window

Water on my window, originally uploaded by mandus.

I just had to blog this one!

There is water on my window. Greatly captured.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Selfportrait II

Selfportrait II, originally uploaded by mandus.

Took a short stretch and grabbed some images while I was on my way home the other day.

This one conveniently named "Self-portrait II"...

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Some fancy clouds

Some fancy clouds, originally uploaded by mandus.

Friday, May 06, 2005


Selfportrait, originally uploaded by mandus.

Coffee - that's good for you. Just must have it. By the way, it's a self portrait. If you take a very close look, you can see me there!

Besides that, this was a gimp-exercise as well. Tried to add some vignette, after the usual levels - unshapr mask - sharpen. Had to increase saturation and hue, and make it a bit ligther as well, but I think this turned out quite interesting.

Should anyone see this, comments are welcome!

Todays quote:

Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.
Mar 13:30

Take care.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Hvitveis, originally uploaded by mandus.

Todays picture :-)

Release update: editorial changes to the testing propagation scripts


Release update: editorial changes to the testing propagation scripts

Debian sarge in frezze. Man, we have waited for that. Hopefully, this is the start of a new era in the Debian-world, with a bit more frequent releases.

Wow, almost unbelivable!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Not particullary interesting...

Not particullary interesting...
Originally uploaded by mandus.
I am still writing that paper. I think I am approaching something, but there is still a way to go. So I stay in our small cabin, and captured this right out of my door.

As the picture itself was not very interesting, I played a bit with the RAW picture from the 350D. Converted to something readable by Gimp with dcraw, and did some postprocessing there. Most interesting part was to saturate the blues a bit, then doing some gaussian blur and finally apply as a layer mask to the original, which was multiplied with the original.

Point? I tried to boost the blue sky a bit, while not destroying the rest of it. Don't know how sucessfullt that went, but this is the result anyway.

We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak

2Cor, 4:13

Take care!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Boats in the gray

Boats in the gray
Originally uploaded by mandus.
This should be spring-time, the calendar tell me it is may, but I am not so sure...

But the main thing is that I'm testing out the new Canon 350D. I think it doing quite well, although I haven't had time yet to do the most interesting things...

Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.(Gal, 6:2)

Take care!

Friday, April 29, 2005

Got the Canon 350D

Originally uploaded by mandus.
Today I got my Canon 350D with the EF-S 18-55 kit-lens, which will do for now, as I need to learn using a SLR anyway.

Just to get started, I tried a closeup of this orchid. Have done a bit post-processing, but I think it is kind of ok. Even though the kit-lens is no macro lens, it can go fairly close, and I can do stuff I never was able to do with my old camera. Guess this will be fun.

Take care!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

New camera!

New camera!
Originally uploaded by mandus.
There won't be many more crappy shots with the Sony P52 - a new camera is coming up, and it seems to be the Canon 350D. It will still take a few days before it arrives, though, so I have to relax.

And the Sony will be with me anyway, it is nice to have the point 'n shoot for those occations I can't carry the big dSLR.


New camera - take2
Originally uploaded by mandus.

It is already on its way!

As always, take care!

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by mandus.
It's been a very nice in our area of Norway today, so I have been out most of the day together with my family. Captured these nice flowers in the sun right outside our house.

Days get longer, the sun warmer, and colours fresher - definitely spring-time!

Take care!

Monday, April 18, 2005

De kan få sagt det: - Dobbeltkjernet Pentium

Idag sier

Dobbeltkjernet Pentium offisielt lansert
: "Prosessoren, som er basert på 90 nanometers prosessteknologi, består av omtrent 230 millioner prosessorer"

En slik prosesssor, det vil jeg gjerne ha!

Take care,

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A tree at Brunstad, by night

Originally uploaded by mandus.
I captured this tree in a kind of nice light, right outside my cabin at Brunstad. Brunstad is the place the church have the conference center, and there are nice cabins there.

As I stay in the cabin for a few days to work intensively on the paper already mentioned, I captured my PaD late yesterday evening. Unfortunately, the camera I use isn't quite capable for this kind of stuff. Hopefully I can afford something better not to far into the future... ;-)

Take care.

We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that
ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day
dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts (1 Pe, 1:19)

Watch out for new photos

Watch out at my gallery for new pictures. I don't add everything here.

Besides that, there won't be much update here this week, I am to busy writing my paper.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Todays picture!

Click the picture to head over to the full-size version! Maybe not a very good picture, but I somehow liked it anyway. The important thing to notice is that it is springtime in Norway! Soon, the colours will be nicer, the weather much warmer, the days longer! And after that, there will be another winter. So we have to enjoy the summer while it is here. Until then, we enjoy spring!

Not sure there is much more to say today. I am still writing my research-paper. Guess I will be busy with that whole next week as well - it's a tough paper to write, but I'm sure it gonna be very good. Look out for it in a journal near you (not sure which yet, though).

Take care!