As we head for christmas, I just like to share a sad story with you. My wife was expecting our next baby about the midle of December. On the 3. it was obvious that the baby was soon to arrive. Unfortunately, during the next hours it become clear that the baby was already dead. About noon on saturday 4. December, my wife gave birth to our third son, Daniel, already on his way to heaven, to meet his older brother Aleksander, who passed away only 15 days old in October 1999.
From time to time, life can be pretty hard. This christmas will not be any thing like we exptected it to be. But we know that both our two boys are safe and with Jesus in heaven - a far better place than this world. And later on we will meet both of them there. This is a comfort to us in these really hard, hard days.
Since we have 3 other children kickin' and alive, we have to go on with the daily routines, and make a christmas as good as possible for the family. That is a help to move on as well.
Do not take life for granted. Be happy for all the days your are able to live on. Make use of the days, they may be fewer than you think. And be good to other people as both them and you are struggle through the days. And remember, there is hope! Jesus was born on christmas day, and can still help you out, giving hope and a future - not only for your life here on earth, but for an eternal life together with him in heaven.
Merry Christmas!