Thursday, April 22, 2004

I go for the C860 anyway

After some days of thinking and comparing, I ended up with the C860 anyway. Sharp, of coarse. While the 6000 may have more features, it is harder to get hold of. And the version with both Bluetooth and Wifi seem to still be unavailable - only the 6000L version is on sale. Besides that, the C860 have more memory, and the keyboard seem to be a better fit for my use. So, I have to live with Wifi as a cf-card, but I think I can, at least for some time. Hey, nothing last for ever anyway!

I have order my Sharp SL-C860 from shirtpocket, and waiting eagerly for it to show up here. That may take some time though - first a money-order has to be done from my company, then it must be prepared at shirtpocket, and afterwards shipped to Norway. Here, it enter the customs-system, where it very well may be stuck for days and even weeks... Eventually, it ends up in my pocket sometimes in May...

It will be a loong wait, but I guess it will be worth it!

Thursday, April 08, 2004

wow - my device actually exist

The register have a review of a device called Sharp Zaurus 6000W - with wifi and bluetooth built in, running linux, 640x480 display, etc. Seem like a wonderful device, besides a few minor things: It is not the clamshell version of the Sharp, which I think is better (hey, I really want a very small laptop, not a pda...), and it is a litle low on memory compared to the C860.

The question left is: When and where may I get hold of such a device...

Review at the register. have the 6000L for sale, but for some stupid reason they are not willing to send it to Norway ;-(

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Should I go for the C860...

The more I look into this, the more sure I become that the Sharp SL-C860 is indeed the right device for me. It seem to be a wonderful litle device, with nearly everything I'm after. The only doubt I have is this: How long do I have to wait, before Sharp deliver a similar device, only with the WiFi and Bluetooth built right into it - as Sony do with the ux50.

I wonder whether someone can tell me the answer to that!

Sunday, April 04, 2004

What I really need!

My quest for the ultimate portable device is still not over. I can't find anything that I really like. After testing the Sony ux-50 at CeBit, I figured out that it is not the device I want. The reason is two-fold. First, the keyboard, which I don't like at all - it is not easy to type away on it. Probably it is possible to get used to it, but I don't want to spend that time.

The second reason is the software. Palm is nice, but really not the thing I want. I want something I can type in a real editor on - like vim. And I want to do some python programming. This really means that I want something which run linux.

The featurelist I want fullfilled in my ultimate portable device is:

  • Small and light,

  • wireless connectivity - bluetooth and wifi

  • linux os

  • internal keyboard which works.

The jvc mp-xp731 might be small enough. But it lacks bluetooth. The Sony U101 have everything I need, but is out of stock. One of the sharp zaurus models might fit, but they all seem to lack the wireless connectivity.

Hence, my quest is not over. I looking forward to what Sony might dig up as a successor to the U101.